Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Meeting Luxury

Wow if I do say so myself! I absolutely adore velvet. If I could, I would just make almost everything I own out of velvet. I would sleep in it and wear it to work and go to the gym in it if I could. I tried doing that for a while in the early 90's. I worked at Discount Fabrics on Haight street. I think I tried looking a royal freak queen or princess at least 3 times a week. The rest of the week was simply appearing undead. But perhaps that's just in my imagination. I do glorify my youth! I remember lots of black and corsets and pointy shoes and crazy hair. I remember vast amounts of tutu and large voluminous skirts and ripped and shreddy things. And I remember having to stop for lots of photos for the japanese tourists. Which is quite funny, really, cuz look at whats going on there now! Talk about the cutest and most original kids on the planet! You just cannot top the Japanese in the cute department. You cant. They win hands down.

But I have pets and you cant wear velvet everyday without cat hair all over it - at least not in my house. Unsightly. And alas, velvet is not in right now. All the more reason to wear it again.

I actually saw a video today that showed how to look good during the day. A good pair of jeans and a good hair elastic to pull your hair back into a ponytail.

Now why didnt I think of that.

Here are two views of an amethyst watermarked silk velvet coat that I made from a teens/early 20's Butterick pattern. I made it a bit longer. I added more buttons and closures. I still pull this out and wear it now and then. I'm tempted to sell it on occasion and then I over price it on purpose. I don't even think you can get this fabric anymore. It was "vintage" when I found it and vintage it will stay. This is the most luxurious velvet I have ever met.


1 comment:

Sassy said...

very fab and luxe!!!!