Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Project Runway Runway

Something I made is on this runway. And If I do say so myself, it is the best.
Aside from Chris's of course.
Oh, what am I saying...they are all wearing the best.

Lemay is owner of Retrofit on Valencia st, SF. Go check out his vintage and burning man supplies!

And some of my friends and aquanitances are also on the runway. It does a girl proud to see such splendor!

Its been hard to keep my mouth shut. But Im used to it. I know how to keep a secret. I often know where the bodies are buried!
Please feel free to contact me for costuming.
Of course...the bolder, the more dramatic, the better.



Amber said...

After the show has aired will you point out what it is you made if we didn't spot it?

Anonymous said...

Has this aired yet? I'm not following it this season, but I'm really curious which of those daring outfits is yours!