I woke up this morning and jumped out of bed full of life and energy and a touch of narcissism. Thats right - bonafide narcissism. My favorite word of the day. Usually I putter around for a while making coffee and answering emails and being a facebook friend. But not today. I donned some makeup and curled my hair.
Matthew James (you'll
know him soon enough) said that I'm going for that 50's housewife kind of thing. I think he may be right. And this isn't so bad before coffee and a big birthday (we'll just say I'm 37 and leave it at that - because I say so. Don't argue with me). In truth, I had some clients coming over - so I do like to make a good appearance, but this morning was just different.
I don't know what happened. The moon is done with being full? Jupiter and Saturn collided? The dish ran away with the spoon?
I never celebrate my birthday. I don't enjoy my birthday. I would just as soon forget about my day of birth. I don't know why. I don't say anything to anyone. Sometimes the day is great. Sometimes its lonely. I love to be remembered, but I feel no need to talk about it or announce it or remind anyone about it. It usually embarrasses me to have a fuss made. So what has changed?
I just don't know.

Hmmmmmmmmmm. Its puzzling, int it.
So what should I do for my birthday?
I'll have a 25% off sale!
For my birthday, I'm having a 25% off sale in my
Etsy shop. Thats right - 25% off. I'd go higher, but I have to eat. Thats only fair. Ive never had a sale where I marked everything off 25%. And its making me HAPPY! Patterns and custom goods will be excluded from the sale, but there is a lot of fun stuff in there!
Please enter this code at checkout:
This will automatically take 25% off of your Etsy purchase. Pretty neat, huh!
So there ya go........hope you see something that you've lusted for and cant justify right now. I wish I had more sizes, but this is what I have left after my festivals and events over the last 4 weeks. When it moves out the door, there is room to make more! (yes, Jeanette, that's your vest in the mirror - I'm finishing it up!)
Ive got a couple sword bags that I'll put in the shop. Vintage trims and drapery velvet make a lush bag to carry your dance sword or your gym clothes in - I dragged mine through the U.K three times (before the sword ban).Maybe its just the thing you've been looking for!
Now that my
Fluffie Rufflie Dance Pant pattern tutorial is up, I'll just put the finishing touches on the FR Pantaloons, and then I can focus on finishing some custom orders and new merchandise. I had talked a lot about teaching sewing lessons at one time, but my patterns ate up my life there for a while. So keep checking in - Ive got some ideas that I will throw out there. I think you'll like what I have in mind and I know we can have fun with it!