Today I will be finishing those 5 projects that I said I would be finishing yesterday. It seems that I get started on something and I get distracted. Perhaps its ADD. Perhaps it is just living in this harried modern lifestyle where everything seems to have to happen NOW and you have to make choices. Someone or something always gets put on the back burner unintentionally.
This has been a slow summer, business wise. Its still there. I'm not going down. But the world is living in fear right now and luxury items just are not on the top of every one's agenda at the moment. And for as hard as I try to keep my costs and prices down, the quality of what I make puts it in the realm of luxury item for many. If times were more affluent, you had better believe my prices would be way higher right now. And worth every penny. Ive seen whats out there. So get it while we are on the downside if you can! Seriously!
This week will be spent on finishing my part of the creation of Ariellah Affalo's wedding dress. Ive been in a collaboration with Christina of Black Lotus Clothing. We have been on buying trips together for fabrics and shuttling this dress back and forth while juggling Ariellahs' fittings. She has been out of the country or getting ready for all of her many projects - as well as preparing to get married in September! Oy! But I really enjoy working with Christina. She is super, super lovely! (And so is Ariellah! I adore her!)
But the whole wedding outfit is just gonna be gorgeous. It already is. I cant wait to see the wedding pictures!!!! As you can see in the above photo (yes she is wearing the Fluffie Rufflie Dance Pants!) she could wear a burlap bag and still be stunning, so you can see how excited I will be to see her wedding photos! And you had better believe that I will post those pics asap!!!
So there is that to finish up this week AND get some new merch. sewn up for Prepare For The Playa. I don't know how I'll get it done, but who needs sleep anyway!