Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Where Did Summer Go.............

I was fortunate enough to be hired by Chris March Design this season to make some SF Pride Costumes for the Anheuser Busch float!
This was a big rush job, and had to be started with no models having been hired yet. Not a job for the feint of heart.  We figured that we knew who the drag queens would be up on the float, so I could go with somewhat of a guess and make it work.  I wasn't so sure who would be hired to walk along the float, so it was "specifically suggested" that the company hire with a particular waist measurement in mind.  And of course, that didn't happen.  To be fair - that's not always so realistic within a small time frame.  And in typical train wreck style, not having anything to do with Chris or I, costumes were designated at the last minute to the wrong people. This is just how it  usually works when you have all these corporate departments trying to do too many things at the last minute.  And yet, somehow, it always gets done.  The pros amongst us (thank you, Matthew James who made that fun jewelry! ) just rolled our eyes and did the "of course this is happening........." stance.  Then we got our kits out and went to work.  We pinned, sewed, glued and lined where the sequins chaffed.  Everyone did their thing and did it well.  We did it quick.  And our work made it to the annals of Time .com's "Gay Prides From Around The World"


Models: Pollo Del Mar
             Darcy Drollinger

Other credits will be given  when I find more names! Feel free to contact if you have credit info!!

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